2024 Service Schedule
Trash Service:
Service starts at 7:00 a.m. on Tuesday mornings.
Trash is not to be set out before 5:00 p.m. the day
before trash pickup and empty containers must be
removed from street or sidewalk no later than
8:00 a.m. the following day.
Inland Waste Solutions, LLC offers recycling for a
set amount per month, cart provided. Pick up will be the 2nd
Friday of every month.
Utility customers should have a 95 gallon cart as part of your service.
If you do not, contact city hall:
Big Items are limited to:
- Furniture, appliances, cabinets, etc.
will be picked up free of charge - please review the LIMITS
(limit 1 (one) item/ per customer/ per week) OR Carpet rolls: 5 ft in length tied in rolls (10 rolls per week)
- 5- 30 gallon containers of yard waste per week.
- Uncontainerized rubbish will be trimmed,
cut and tied securely in bundles of less than
3 feet in length and 2 inches in thickness,
weighing not more than sixty-five (65) pounds
with a limit of 5 bundles per week.
- Containers for households must be 35 gallons or less, no less than 15 gallons, must have handles (no barrels)
- Tree limbs/branches must be no longer than 3 ft, 2inches in thickness, and must be bundled in bundles not weighing more than 65 pounds with a limit of 5 bundles/week.